Thursday, June 25, 2020

Puzzle 15 - 7x7: Sweet Sixteen

Hello. The next few puzzles - at least a week straight, I hope - will all have the same grid: seven by seven with one black square in the center. That makes for sixteen words. (Maybe I'll add titles to them.)

The strain caused by this kind of interlock is high. So bad fill looms. I know that one bad section, or even a bad pair of crossing answers, can make solving disappointing. And, inversely, too many words that are gettable but seem made-up - ending in -er, in particular - make a sort of joke of open space, especially when there's lots of unintentional symmetry.

These puzzles encounter those issues somewhat. Almost all the grids have at least one word you'll look at sideways, and there are a few, but not too many, terminal s's. Nevertheless I hope the fun of seeing - and filling - a grid of this shape makes up for it.

Here's the first one, a relatively clean set of letters in squares.


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